Due to a recent Storm and ice not being accessible, the Starvation Ice Bowl has been cancelled.
- All Ice is considered “unsafe and use at your own risk”. Angler safety both on and off the ice is the responsibility of angler and or parent/guardians.
- This tournament is sponsored by Fred Hayes State Park at Starvation.
- The Starvation Ice Bowl will be held February 8 ,2025 at the Main Marina. But you can fish anywhere on Starvation Reservoir as long as you are present in the Main Marina parking lot to begin and make it back at weigh in time.
- Tournament starts at 7:30 am and ends at 1:00 pm. You must be off the ice by 1:00 pm.
- This is an ice fishing tournament. If ice is less than 6 inches thick, the tournament will be canceled.
- No holes can be drilled prior to 7:30 am on February 8th. Contestants can be in their fishing spot prior to 7:30 am, but must wait for sound producing device to drill holes.
- Fish measuring will be from 1:15 pm- 1:30 pm. However, fish can be checked in prior to 1:00pm at the Main Marina only.
- Courtesy, Sportsmanship, and Conservation must be displayed at all times.
- Ties will be decided by combined fish weight.
- Results will be displayed as they come in.
- Park and DWR staff will measure/weigh fish.
- The decision is final and cannot be disputed, though measurement can be verified a second time.
- Any Cheating or violation of tournament rules will result in disqualification
- This is a (trout/walleye) tournament. Each contestant will have entry to both species brackets. The team with the longest single-fish WINS.
- Entry (1- participants) is $30. The Park entrance Fee is included into the tournament fee.
- To register you have two options: 1) Register the day of the event at the State Park entrance booth (we are limited to 200 anglers), or 2) Register online.
- Registration/check-in begins at 6:30 am at the Main Marina only.
- A park provided “liability waiver form and rules compliance” sheet must be signed by each participant or parent/guardian if under 18 years of age, on the morning of registration. You can print this ( form and bring it with you if you would like.
- All fees must be paid and liability waiver signed before event begins.
- All participant registrations are capped at 200 people.
- Maps can be found at
- For fishing rules, methods, and other information refer to the 2025 Utah fishing guidebook.
- All anglers 12 years and older must have a valid fishing license.
- All rules of the fishing proclamation will be followed, including possession limits.
- All waterway and OHV laws will be obeyed. Currently registered OHV/snowmobiles are allowed on the ice if conditions permit (as determined by operators/owners & not by tournament officials). All riders under 18 years old must wear a properly approved DOT helmet while riding on OHV/snowmobiles.
- Non-event registered anglers fishing with event contestants is prohibited. You may not assist other participants.
- We reserve the right to test fish and verify the time of capture.
- All fish injured or not immediately released must be harvested by angler, and counted as part of their daily limit.
- No live weigh-in
- $30 per contestant entry (individual)
- Prizes for each bracket (Trout/Walleye) 1st: $500, 2nd: $200, 3rd: $150,
4th: $100, 5th: $50. (*Gift Card amount)